How are you keeping track of all this info? Excel or another DB program? Substack search is horrible and they don't yet have a Tablepress plugin like ability to create tables. I've created (and still cleaning up) some stock index pages with 1500+ EM stocks (linked to their IR + quote pages), tags to some of my posts covering them + other relevant resources for them or individual countries e.g.:
Unfortunately, this post did not age well, yet it seems fair that the team now will get compensation. Too bad the old post (the Monday updates) are also immediately put behind the wall.
Perfectly understand, and that was a big point of debate. But the old TMMs provide updated overviews of event-driven action, and keeping them open would basically still give away the 'war chest'.
Love it! I always look forward to your publications. More is not always better, but I expect in this case, it will be!
How are you keeping track of all this info? Excel or another DB program? Substack search is horrible and they don't yet have a Tablepress plugin like ability to create tables. I've created (and still cleaning up) some stock index pages with 1500+ EM stocks (linked to their IR + quote pages), tags to some of my posts covering them + other relevant resources for them or individual countries e.g.:
Unfortunately, this post did not age well, yet it seems fair that the team now will get compensation. Too bad the old post (the Monday updates) are also immediately put behind the wall.
Perfectly understand, and that was a big point of debate. But the old TMMs provide updated overviews of event-driven action, and keeping them open would basically still give away the 'war chest'.
Why prioritize "event-driven"? Does this exclude other trading strategies that could complement it, like momentum or value plays?
It's an important part of our strategy, one where we're happy to share what we find.